Commit 74d1e19b authored by Ryan Loong's avatar Ryan Loong

fix 导入学生时不传学号的时候报错的bug (BUG #3980)

parent 6d8e9559
......@@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ public class StudentInfoService {
public List<StudentInfoExcelImportResultVo> checkImportByExcel(Collection<StudentInfoExcelImportVo> importVoList, Integer classId) {
Map<String, StudentInfo> existStudent = selectStudentInfoByUniqueId(
Set<String> studentUidSet =;
Map<String, StudentInfo> existStudent = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(studentUidSet) ? Collections.emptyMap() : selectStudentInfoByUniqueId(studentUidSet)
.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(StudentInfo::getStudentUniqueId, x -> x, (k1, k2) -> k1));
Set<String> duplicateStudentUid =
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