Commit 244590fd authored by Mindfaker's avatar Mindfaker


parent 16ee9c0a
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public interface SpecialSqlMapper {
@Select("<script> " +
"SELECT t1.*, t2.class_name FROM " +
"(SELECT id, student_unique_id, `name`, class_id FROM student_info WHERE deleted = FALSE " +
"(SELECT id, student_unique_id, `name`, class_id, add_time FROM student_info WHERE deleted = FALSE " +
"<if test = 'studentName != null'> AND `name` like '%${studentName}%' </if>" +
"<if test = 'studentUniqueId != null'> AND student_unique_id like '%${studentUniqueId}%' </if>" +
"<if test = 'classId != null'> AND class_id = ${classId} </if>" +
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public interface SpecialSqlMapper {
"<if test = 'startTime != null'> AND record_time &gt;= '${startTime}' </if>" +
"<if test = 'endTime != null'> AND '${endTime} ' &gt;= record_time </if>" +
" ) point_info ON = point_info.student_id) t1 " +
" LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, class_name FROM class_info WHERE deleted = FALSE ) t2 ON t1.class_id ="+
" LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, class_name FROM class_info WHERE deleted = FALSE ) t2 ON t1.class_id = "+
"ORDER by ${sort} ${order} " +
"LIMIT ${(page - 1) * limit}, ${page * limit} " +
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